Map: etl_frostbite

Config: Defender: Winner: Timelimit: NextTimelimit:
legacy3 AXIS ALLIES 10:00 6:10
ID Team Player Kll Dth Gib SK TK TG Eff DG DR TDG TDR Score
5 AXIS |@|P4ncho Villa 16 6 6 2 0 0 72 3103 1469 0 36 79
0 AXIS Garçon � la pipe 12 6 3 1 0 0 66 1693 1414 18 54 67
4 AXIS Sn00k 4 6 1 3 1 0 40 1186 1347 72 0 26
- AXIS Totals 32 18 10 6 1 0 64 5982 4230 90 90 172
3 ALLIES the Tyrant 8 9 0 2 0 0 47 1381 1649 36 0 68
2 ALLIES Australia'sLastHope 7 13 1 2 1 0 35 1789 2312 31 72 42
1 ALLIES mAxPower. 3 10 2 2 0 0 23 1060 2021 36 31 25
- ALLIES Totals 18 32 3 6 1 0 36 4230 5982 103 103 135
- SPECTATOR Totals 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Name: Garçon � la pipe Team: AXIS Round: 1
Weapon Acrcy Hits/Shts Kills Deaths Headshots
Knife 0.0 0/5 0 0 0
MP 40 35.4 68/192 10 0 11
Thompson 0.0 0/0 0 5 0
Grenade 50.0 3/6 2 1 0
Syringe 100.0 2/2 0 0 0
Damage Given: 1693 Team Damage Given: 18
Damage Recvd: 1414 Team Damage Recvd: 54
Kills: 12 Team Kills: 0 Accuracy: 35.4%
Deaths: 6 Self Kills: 1 Headshots: 16.2%
Gibs: 3 Team Gibs: 0 Playtime: 87.3%
Name: mAxPower. Team: ALLIES Round: 1
Weapon Acrcy Hits/Shts Kills Deaths Headshots
Colt 33.3 1/3 0 0 0
MP 40 0.0 0/0 0 5 0
Thompson 32.9 48/146 3 3 7
Grenade 0.0 0/1 0 2 0
Syringe 100.0 4/4 0 0 0
Damage Given: 1060 Team Damage Given: 36
Damage Recvd: 2021 Team Damage Recvd: 31
Kills: 3 Team Kills: 0 Accuracy: 32.9%
Deaths: 10 Self Kills: 2 Headshots: 14.3%
Gibs: 2 Team Gibs: 0 Playtime: 50.6%
Name: Australia'sLastHope Team: ALLIES Round: 1
Weapon Acrcy Hits/Shts Kills Deaths Headshots
MP 40 28.6 4/14 0 9 1
Thompson 34.5 67/194 5 2 10
Grenade 150.0 3/2 2 1 0
Dynamite 0.0 0/1 0 0 0
Airstrike 0.0 0/0 0 1 0
Syringe 75.0 3/4 0 0 0
Damage Given: 1789 Team Damage Given: 31
Damage Recvd: 2312 Team Damage Recvd: 72
Kills: 7 Team Kills: 1 Accuracy: 34.1%
Deaths: 13 Self Kills: 2 Headshots: 15.5%
Gibs: 1 Team Gibs: 0 Playtime: 57.5%
Name: the Tyrant Team: ALLIES Round: 1
Weapon Acrcy Hits/Shts Kills Deaths Headshots
Luger 0.0 0/0 0 1 0
Colt 0.0 0/6 0 0 0
MP 40 0.0 0/0 0 6 0
Thompson 36.0 62/172 8 2 13
Grenade 0.0 0/3 0 0 0
Dynamite 0.0 0/1 0 0 0
Syringe 100.0 1/1 0 0 0
Damage Given: 1381 Team Damage Given: 36
Damage Recvd: 1649 Team Damage Recvd: 0
Kills: 8 Team Kills: 0 Accuracy: 34.8%
Deaths: 9 Self Kills: 2 Headshots: 21.0%
Gibs: 0 Team Gibs: 0 Playtime: 55.7%
Name: Sn00k Team: AXIS Round: 1
Weapon Acrcy Hits/Shts Kills Deaths Headshots
Knife 0.0 0/3 0 0 0
Luger 43.8 7/16 1 0 0
MP 40 34.6 54/156 3 0 6
Thompson 0.0 0/0 0 5 0
Grenade 0.0 0/3 0 1 0
Syringe 50.0 1/2 0 0 0
Damage Given: 1186 Team Damage Given: 72
Damage Recvd: 1347 Team Damage Recvd: 0
Kills: 4 Team Kills: 1 Accuracy: 35.5%
Deaths: 6 Self Kills: 3 Headshots: 9.8%
Gibs: 1 Team Gibs: 0 Playtime: 85.9%
Name: |@|P4ncho Villa Team: AXIS Round: 1
Weapon Acrcy Hits/Shts Kills Deaths Headshots
Knife 0.0 0/10 0 0 0
Luger 57.1 4/7 0 0 1
MP 40 36.4 52/143 7 0 8
Thompson 56.7 55/97 7 6 11
Grenade 75.0 6/8 1 0 0
Airstrike 200.0 2/1 1 0 0
Syringe 100.0 1/1 0 0 0
Damage Given: 3103 Team Damage Given: 0
Damage Recvd: 1469 Team Damage Recvd: 36
Kills: 16 Team Kills: 0 Accuracy: 44.9%
Deaths: 6 Self Kills: 2 Headshots: 18.0%
Gibs: 6 Team Gibs: 0 Playtime: 88.7%
Config: Defender: Winner: Timelimit: NextTimelimit:
legacy3 AXIS ALLIES 6:10 3:51
ID Team Player Kll Dth Gib SK TK TG Eff DG DR TDG TDR Score
2 AXIS the Tyrant 18 14 0 3 0 0 56 2803 2703 36 0 38
1 AXIS mAxPower. 7 14 6 2 0 0 33 1836 2840 36 31 30
0 AXIS Australia'sLastHope 10 15 3 4 1 0 40 2566 2673 31 72 13
- AXIS Totals 35 43 9 9 1 0 44 7205 8216 103 103 81
5 ALLIES |@|P4ncho Villa 22 13 7 2 0 1 62 4093 2442 0 56 53
3 ALLIES Garçon � la pipe 15 10 5 2 0 0 60 2356 2218 18 54 27
4 ALLIES Sn00k 6 12 2 4 1 0 33 1767 2545 92 0 18
- ALLIES Totals 43 35 14 8 1 1 55 8216 7205 110 110 98
- SPECTATOR Totals 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Name: Australia'sLastHope Team: AXIS Round: 2
Weapon Acrcy Hits/Shts Kills Deaths Headshots
MP 40 37.3 38/102 3 9 4
Thompson 34.5 67/194 5 4 10
Grenade 133.3 4/3 2 1 0
Dynamite 0.0 0/1 0 0 0
Airstrike 0.0 0/1 0 1 0
Syringe 75.0 3/4 0 0 0
Damage Given: 2566 Team Damage Given: 31
Damage Recvd: 2673 Team Damage Recvd: 72
Kills: 10 Team Kills: 1 Accuracy: 35.5%
Deaths: 15 Self Kills: 4 Headshots: 13.3%
Gibs: 3 Team Gibs: 0 Playtime: 66.3%
Name: mAxPower. Team: AXIS Round: 2
Weapon Acrcy Hits/Shts Kills Deaths Headshots
Luger 28.6 4/14 1 0 2
Colt 33.3 1/3 0 1 0
MP 40 35.9 23/64 2 5 1
Thompson 34.6 63/182 4 6 8
Grenade 0.0 0/3 0 2 0
Syringe 100.0 4/4 0 0 0
Damage Given: 1836 Team Damage Given: 36
Damage Recvd: 2840 Team Damage Recvd: 31
Kills: 7 Team Kills: 0 Accuracy: 34.6%
Deaths: 14 Self Kills: 2 Headshots: 12.1%
Gibs: 6 Team Gibs: 0 Playtime: 57.2%
Name: the Tyrant Team: AXIS Round: 2
Weapon Acrcy Hits/Shts Kills Deaths Headshots
Luger 40.0 2/5 0 1 0
Colt 0.0 0/6 0 1 0
MP 40 39.6 63/159 10 6 13
Thompson 36.0 62/172 8 5 13
Grenade 14.3 1/7 0 1 0
Dynamite 0.0 0/1 0 0 0
Syringe 100.0 1/1 0 0 0
Damage Given: 2803 Team Damage Given: 36
Damage Recvd: 2703 Team Damage Recvd: 0
Kills: 18 Team Kills: 0 Accuracy: 37.1%
Deaths: 14 Self Kills: 3 Headshots: 20.5%
Gibs: 0 Team Gibs: 0 Playtime: 62.5%
Name: Garçon � la pipe Team: ALLIES Round: 2
Weapon Acrcy Hits/Shts Kills Deaths Headshots
Knife 0.0 0/5 0 0 0
Colt 25.0 2/8 1 0 1
MP 40 35.4 68/192 10 3 11
Thompson 36.8 32/87 2 6 3
Grenade 37.5 3/8 2 1 0
Dynamite 0.0 0/1 0 0 0
Syringe 100.0 3/3 0 0 0
Damage Given: 2356 Team Damage Given: 18
Damage Recvd: 2218 Team Damage Recvd: 54
Kills: 15 Team Kills: 0 Accuracy: 35.5%
Deaths: 10 Self Kills: 2 Headshots: 14.7%
Gibs: 5 Team Gibs: 0 Playtime: 85.0%
Name: Sn00k Team: ALLIES Round: 2
Weapon Acrcy Hits/Shts Kills Deaths Headshots
Knife 0.0 0/2 0 0 0
Ka-Bar 0.0 0/3 0 0 0
Luger 43.8 7/16 1 0 0
MP 40 34.2 54/158 3 6 6
Thompson 30.7 27/88 2 5 1
Grenade 16.7 1/6 0 1 0
Dynamite 0.0 0/1 0 0 0
Syringe 80.0 4/5 0 0 0
Damage Given: 1767 Team Damage Given: 92
Damage Recvd: 2545 Team Damage Recvd: 0
Kills: 6 Team Kills: 1 Accuracy: 33.6%
Deaths: 12 Self Kills: 4 Headshots: 8.0%
Gibs: 2 Team Gibs: 0 Playtime: 79.5%
Name: |@|P4ncho Villa Team: ALLIES Round: 2
Weapon Acrcy Hits/Shts Kills Deaths Headshots
Knife 0.0 0/10 0 0 0
Luger 57.1 4/7 0 1 1
Colt 100.0 3/3 1 0 0
MP 40 36.4 52/143 7 6 8
Thompson 48.2 96/199 11 6 17
Grenade 52.9 9/17 2 0 0
Airstrike 200.0 2/1 1 0 0
Syringe 100.0 3/3 0 0 0
Damage Given: 4093 Team Damage Given: 0
Damage Recvd: 2442 Team Damage Recvd: 56
Kills: 22 Team Kills: 0 Accuracy: 44.0%
Deaths: 13 Self Kills: 2 Headshots: 16.8%
Gibs: 7 Team Gibs: 1 Playtime: 86.7%

Map: braundorf_b4

Config: Defender: Winner: Timelimit: NextTimelimit:
legacy3 AXIS AXIS 10:00 10:00
ID Team Player Kll Dth Gib SK TK TG Eff DG DR TDG TDR Score
1 AXIS Australia'sLastHope 24 7 6 6 0 0 77 4120 2560 0 36 120
3 AXIS the Tyrant 19 7 6 7 1 0 73 2743 1947 108 36 99
5 AXIS mAxPower. 11 11 6 5 0 0 50 2011 2261 36 72 61
- AXIS Totals 54 25 18 18 1 0 68 8874 6768 144 144 280
0 ALLIES Sn00k 8 17 4 1 2 0 32 2045 3099 114 0 73
2 ALLIES Garçon � la pipe 8 18 4 1 0 0 30 2270 3359 0 80 48
4 ALLIES |@|P4ncho Villa 9 19 4 4 1 0 32 2453 2416 44 78 41
- ALLIES Totals 25 54 12 6 3 0 31 6768 8874 158 158 162
- SPECTATOR Totals 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Name: Sn00k Team: ALLIES Round: 1
Weapon Acrcy Hits/Shts Kills Deaths Headshots
Knife 0.0 0/1 0 0 0
Ka-Bar 7.7 1/13 0 0 0
Luger 0.0 0/0 0 1 0
Colt 30.0 6/20 0 0 0
MP 40 0.0 0/0 0 16 0
Thompson 24.4 89/365 7 0 12
Grenade 66.7 2/3 1 0 0
Syringe 85.7 6/7 0 0 0
Damage Given: 2045 Team Damage Given: 114
Damage Recvd: 3099 Team Damage Recvd: 0
Kills: 8 Team Kills: 2 Accuracy: 24.7%
Deaths: 17 Self Kills: 1 Headshots: 12.6%
Gibs: 4 Team Gibs: 0 Playtime: 75.3%
Name: Australia'sLastHope Team: AXIS Round: 1
Weapon Acrcy Hits/Shts Kills Deaths Headshots
Knife 0.0 0/16 0 0 0
Luger 45.7 16/35 2 0 2
MP 40 42.3 150/355 20 0 35
Thompson 50.8 30/59 2 7 1
Grenade 0.0 0/5 0 0 0
Damage Given: 4120 Team Damage Given: 0
Damage Recvd: 2560 Team Damage Recvd: 36
Kills: 24 Team Kills: 0 Accuracy: 43.7%
Deaths: 7 Self Kills: 6 Headshots: 19.4%
Gibs: 6 Team Gibs: 0 Playtime: 81.7%
Name: Garçon � la pipe Team: ALLIES Round: 1
Weapon Acrcy Hits/Shts Kills Deaths Headshots
Ka-Bar 0.0 0/5 0 0 0
Colt 36.8 7/19 0 0 1
MP 40 33.3 2/6 0 18 0
Thompson 30.7 101/329 8 0 12
Grenade 50.0 2/4 0 0 0
Syringe 100.0 5/5 0 0 0
Damage Given: 2270 Team Damage Given: 0
Damage Recvd: 3359 Team Damage Recvd: 80
Kills: 8 Team Kills: 0 Accuracy: 31.1%
Deaths: 18 Self Kills: 1 Headshots: 11.8%
Gibs: 4 Team Gibs: 0 Playtime: 73.6%
Name: the Tyrant Team: AXIS Round: 1
Weapon Acrcy Hits/Shts Kills Deaths Headshots
Knife 0.0 0/9 0 0 0
Luger 33.3 10/30 0 0 0
MP 40 34.3 117/341 17 0 14
Thompson 25.5 14/55 2 7 4
Grenade 11.1 1/9 0 0 0
Damage Given: 2743 Team Damage Given: 108
Damage Recvd: 1947 Team Damage Recvd: 36
Kills: 19 Team Kills: 1 Accuracy: 33.1%
Deaths: 7 Self Kills: 7 Headshots: 12.8%
Gibs: 6 Team Gibs: 0 Playtime: 80.2%
Name: |@|P4ncho Villa Team: ALLIES Round: 1
Weapon Acrcy Hits/Shts Kills Deaths Headshots
Luger 0.0 0/0 0 2 0
Colt 60.0 6/10 0 0 0
MP 40 50.0 5/10 0 13 0
Thompson 37.9 111/293 9 4 15
Grenade 16.7 1/6 0 0 0
Dynamite 0.0 0/1 0 0 0
Damage Given: 2453 Team Damage Given: 44
Damage Recvd: 2416 Team Damage Recvd: 78
Kills: 9 Team Kills: 1 Accuracy: 39.0%
Deaths: 19 Self Kills: 4 Headshots: 12.3%
Gibs: 4 Team Gibs: 0 Playtime: 71.2%
Name: mAxPower. Team: AXIS Round: 1
Weapon Acrcy Hits/Shts Kills Deaths Headshots
Knife 0.0 0/7 0 0 0
Luger 36.4 16/44 1 0 1
MP 40 32.1 92/287 10 0 16
Thompson 0.0 0/0 0 10 0
Grenade 16.7 1/6 0 1 0
Damage Given: 2011 Team Damage Given: 36
Damage Recvd: 2261 Team Damage Recvd: 72
Kills: 11 Team Kills: 0 Accuracy: 32.6%
Deaths: 11 Self Kills: 5 Headshots: 15.7%
Gibs: 6 Team Gibs: 0 Playtime: 72.4%
Config: Defender: Winner: Timelimit: NextTimelimit:
legacy3 AXIS ALLIES 10:00 5:20
ID Team Player Kll Dth Gib SK TK TG Eff DG DR TDG TDR Score
3 AXIS |@|P4ncho Villa 17 24 6 8 1 0 41 3959 3633 44 78 58
1 AXIS Sn00k 20 24 5 4 2 0 45 3264 4410 150 0 55
5 AXIS 14 26 8 4 0 0 35 3951 4675 0 116 33
- AXIS Totals 51 74 19 16 3 0 40 11174 12718 194 194 146
2 ALLIES the Tyrant 28 13 7 10 1 0 68 4180 3515 206 36 54
0 ALLIES mAxPower. 14 21 11 5 0 0 40 2773 3747 36 130 43
4 ALLIES Australia'sLastHope 32 17 10 7 0 0 65 5765 3912 18 94 42
- ALLIES Totals 74 51 28 22 1 0 59 12718 11174 260 260 139
- SPECTATOR Totals 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Name: mAxPower. Team: ALLIES Round: 2
Weapon Acrcy Hits/Shts Kills Deaths Headshots
Knife 0.0 0/7 0 0 0
Ka-Bar 0.0 0/1 0 0 0
Luger 36.4 16/44 1 0 1
Colt 0.0 0/4 0 0 0
MP 40 32.1 92/287 10 9 16
Thompson 31.8 34/107 2 10 2
Grenade 14.3 1/7 0 2 0
Dynamite 50.0 1/2 1 0 0
Syringe 50.0 1/2 0 0 0
Damage Given: 2773 Team Damage Given: 36
Damage Recvd: 3747 Team Damage Recvd: 130
Kills: 14 Team Kills: 0 Accuracy: 32.1%
Deaths: 21 Self Kills: 5 Headshots: 13.4%
Gibs: 11 Team Gibs: 0 Playtime: 71.3%
Name: Sn00k Team: AXIS Round: 2
Weapon Acrcy Hits/Shts Kills Deaths Headshots
Knife 0.0 0/9 0 0 0
Ka-Bar 7.7 1/13 0 0 0
Luger 50.0 1/2 0 1 0
Colt 30.0 6/20 0 1 0
MP 40 31.4 64/204 12 16 7
Thompson 24.4 89/365 7 6 12
Grenade 28.6 2/7 1 0 0
Syringe 85.7 6/7 0 0 0
Damage Given: 3264 Team Damage Given: 150
Damage Recvd: 4410 Team Damage Recvd: 0
Kills: 20 Team Kills: 2 Accuracy: 27.1%
Deaths: 24 Self Kills: 4 Headshots: 11.9%
Gibs: 5 Team Gibs: 0 Playtime: 74.1%
Name: the Tyrant Team: ALLIES Round: 2
Weapon Acrcy Hits/Shts Kills Deaths Headshots
Knife 0.0 0/8 0 0 0
Ka-Bar 0.0 0/2 0 0 0
Luger 33.3 10/30 0 0 0
Colt 55.0 11/20 2 0 1
MP 40 34.3 117/341 17 5 14
Thompson 29.9 76/254 8 8 11
Sten 27.3 3/11 1 0 1
Grenade 7.7 1/13 0 0 0
Damage Given: 4180 Team Damage Given: 206
Damage Recvd: 3515 Team Damage Recvd: 36
Kills: 28 Team Kills: 1 Accuracy: 33.1%
Deaths: 13 Self Kills: 10 Headshots: 12.4%
Gibs: 7 Team Gibs: 0 Playtime: 78.1%
Name: |@|P4ncho Villa Team: AXIS Round: 2
Weapon Acrcy Hits/Shts Kills Deaths Headshots
Luger 42.9 3/7 0 2 0
Colt 60.0 6/10 0 0 0
MP 40 41.8 61/146 6 13 6
Thompson 39.5 130/329 11 8 17
Sten 0.0 0/0 0 1 0
Grenade 9.1 1/11 0 0 0
Dynamite 0.0 0/1 0 0 0
Syringe 100.0 3/3 0 0 0
Damage Given: 3959 Team Damage Given: 44
Damage Recvd: 3633 Team Damage Recvd: 78
Kills: 17 Team Kills: 1 Accuracy: 40.7%
Deaths: 24 Self Kills: 8 Headshots: 11.5%
Gibs: 6 Team Gibs: 0 Playtime: 75.0%
Name: Australia'sLastHope Team: ALLIES Round: 2
Weapon Acrcy Hits/Shts Kills Deaths Headshots
Knife 0.0 0/16 0 0 0
Luger 45.7 16/35 2 0 2
Colt 45.5 5/11 1 0 0
MP 40 42.3 150/355 20 7 35
Thompson 42.3 102/241 9 9 14
Grenade 16.7 1/6 0 1 0
Dynamite 0.0 0/1 0 0 0
Syringe 100.0 1/1 0 0 0
Damage Given: 5765 Team Damage Given: 18
Damage Recvd: 3912 Team Damage Recvd: 94
Kills: 32 Team Kills: 0 Accuracy: 42.5%
Deaths: 17 Self Kills: 7 Headshots: 18.7%
Gibs: 10 Team Gibs: 0 Playtime: 80.5%
Name: Team: AXIS Round: 2
Weapon Acrcy Hits/Shts Kills Deaths Headshots
Ka-Bar 0.0 0/5 0 0 0
Luger 50.0 3/6 0 0 1
Colt 36.8 7/19 0 2 1
MP 40 39.1 59/151 3 18 5
Thompson 31.6 108/342 9 5 12
Grenade 66.7 6/9 2 0 0
Dynamite 0.0 0/0 0 1 0
Syringe 85.7 6/7 0 0 0
Damage Given: 3951 Team Damage Given: 0
Damage Recvd: 4675 Team Damage Recvd: 116
Kills: 14 Team Kills: 0 Accuracy: 34.2%
Deaths: 26 Self Kills: 4 Headshots: 10.7%
Gibs: 8 Team Gibs: 0 Playtime: 73.8%

Map: etl_adlernest

Config: Defender: Winner: Timelimit: NextTimelimit:
legacy3 AXIS ALLIES 10:00 4:21
ID Team Player Kll Dth Gib SK TK TG Eff DG DR TDG TDR Score
0 AXIS |@|P4ncho Villa 8 7 1 1 0 0 53 1595 1463 41 0 52
5 AXIS Sn00k 4 8 4 0 0 0 33 1270 1450 0 54 30
4 AXIS 6 7 2 2 0 0 46 1069 1288 18 5 29
- AXIS Totals 18 22 7 3 0 0 45 3934 4201 59 59 111
1 ALLIES Australia'sLastHope 9 4 1 3 0 0 69 1594 998 18 18 48
3 ALLIES the Tyrant 7 7 2 4 0 0 50 1736 1550 36 18 31
2 ALLIES mAxPower. 6 7 2 0 0 0 46 871 1386 0 18 30
- ALLIES Totals 22 18 5 7 0 0 55 4201 3934 54 54 109
- SPECTATOR Totals 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Name: |@|P4ncho Villa Team: AXIS Round: 1
Weapon Acrcy Hits/Shts Kills Deaths Headshots
Knife 0.0 0/2 0 0 0
Luger 0.0 0/4 0 0 0
MP 40 40.2 72/179 7 0 10
Thompson 0.0 0/0 0 7 0
Grenade 66.7 2/3 1 0 0
Syringe 66.7 2/3 0 0 0
Damage Given: 1595 Team Damage Given: 41
Damage Recvd: 1463 Team Damage Recvd: 0
Kills: 8 Team Kills: 0 Accuracy: 39.3%
Deaths: 7 Self Kills: 1 Headshots: 13.9%
Gibs: 1 Team Gibs: 0 Playtime: 82.8%
Name: Australia'sLastHope Team: ALLIES Round: 1
Weapon Acrcy Hits/Shts Kills Deaths Headshots
Luger 0.0 0/0 0 1 0
Colt 0.0 0/1 0 0 0
MP 40 0.0 0/0 0 3 0
Thompson 37.6 67/178 9 0 13
Grenade 100.0 2/2 0 0 0
Dynamite 0.0 0/1 0 0 0
Damage Given: 1594 Team Damage Given: 18
Damage Recvd: 998 Team Damage Recvd: 18
Kills: 9 Team Kills: 0 Accuracy: 37.4%
Deaths: 4 Self Kills: 3 Headshots: 19.4%
Gibs: 1 Team Gibs: 0 Playtime: 85.1%
Name: mAxPower. Team: ALLIES Round: 1
Weapon Acrcy Hits/Shts Kills Deaths Headshots
Colt 41.2 7/17 0 0 0
MP 40 0.0 0/0 0 5 0
Thompson 28.7 39/136 6 0 6
Grenade 0.0 0/2 0 2 0
Syringe 100.0 2/2 0 0 0
Damage Given: 871 Team Damage Given: 0
Damage Recvd: 1386 Team Damage Recvd: 18
Kills: 6 Team Kills: 0 Accuracy: 30.1%
Deaths: 7 Self Kills: 0 Headshots: 13.0%
Gibs: 2 Team Gibs: 0 Playtime: 71.2%
Name: the Tyrant Team: ALLIES Round: 1
Weapon Acrcy Hits/Shts Kills Deaths Headshots
Knife 0.0 0/1 0 0 0
Ka-Bar 0.0 0/3 0 0 0
Colt 33.3 9/27 0 0 0
MP 40 0.0 0/0 0 6 0
Thompson 36.0 82/228 7 0 16
Grenade 0.0 0/1 0 1 0
Damage Given: 1736 Team Damage Given: 36
Damage Recvd: 1550 Team Damage Recvd: 18
Kills: 7 Team Kills: 0 Accuracy: 35.7%
Deaths: 7 Self Kills: 4 Headshots: 17.6%
Gibs: 2 Team Gibs: 0 Playtime: 75.4%
Name: Team: AXIS Round: 1
Weapon Acrcy Hits/Shts Kills Deaths Headshots
Knife 0.0 0/1 0 0 0
Luger 45.5 5/11 1 0 0
MP 40 36.3 45/124 3 0 4
Thompson 0.0 0/0 0 7 0
Grenade 66.7 4/6 2 0 0
Syringe 100.0 1/1 0 0 0
Damage Given: 1069 Team Damage Given: 18
Damage Recvd: 1288 Team Damage Recvd: 5
Kills: 6 Team Kills: 0 Accuracy: 37.0%
Deaths: 7 Self Kills: 2 Headshots: 8.0%
Gibs: 2 Team Gibs: 0 Playtime: 75.5%
Name: Sn00k Team: AXIS Round: 1
Weapon Acrcy Hits/Shts Kills Deaths Headshots
Knife 0.0 0/6 0 0 0
Luger 40.0 4/10 0 0 0
MP 40 26.2 55/210 4 0 7
Thompson 0.0 0/0 0 8 0
Grenade 25.0 1/4 0 0 0
Syringe 66.7 2/3 0 0 0
Damage Given: 1270 Team Damage Given: 0
Damage Recvd: 1450 Team Damage Recvd: 54
Kills: 4 Team Kills: 0 Accuracy: 26.8%
Deaths: 8 Self Kills: 0 Headshots: 11.9%
Gibs: 4 Team Gibs: 0 Playtime: 71.6%
Config: Defender: Winner: Timelimit: NextTimelimit:
legacy3 AXIS ALLIES 4:21 2:42
ID Team Player Kll Dth Gib SK TK TG Eff DG DR TDG TDR Score
5 AXIS mAxPower. 8 11 3 0 0 0 42 1490 2152 0 18 20
4 AXIS the Tyrant 11 12 2 4 0 0 47 2384 2205 36 18 17
1 AXIS Australia'sLastHope 11 8 1 5 0 0 57 2303 1568 18 18 6
- AXIS Totals 30 31 6 9 0 0 49 6177 5925 54 54 43
2 ALLIES |@|P4ncho Villa 12 10 2 1 0 0 54 2295 2149 41 0 32
0 ALLIES Sn00k 8 11 5 3 0 0 42 1867 2071 0 96 31
3 ALLIES 11 9 4 5 1 0 55 1763 1957 60 5 23
- ALLIES Totals 31 30 11 9 1 0 50 5925 6177 101 101 86
- SPECTATOR Totals 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Name: Sn00k Team: ALLIES Round: 2
Weapon Acrcy Hits/Shts Kills Deaths Headshots
Knife 0.0 0/5 0 0 0
Ka-Bar 10.0 1/10 0 0 0
Luger 40.0 4/10 0 0 0
MP 40 26.1 55/211 4 3 7
Thompson 30.0 24/80 4 8 7
Grenade 12.5 1/8 0 0 0
Dynamite 0.0 0/1 0 0 0
Syringe 66.7 2/3 0 0 0
Damage Given: 1867 Team Damage Given: 0
Damage Recvd: 2071 Team Damage Recvd: 96
Kills: 8 Team Kills: 0 Accuracy: 27.6%
Deaths: 11 Self Kills: 3 Headshots: 16.9%
Gibs: 5 Team Gibs: 0 Playtime: 77.8%
Name: Australia'sLastHope Team: AXIS Round: 2
Weapon Acrcy Hits/Shts Kills Deaths Headshots
Luger 0.0 0/0 0 1 0
Colt 0.0 0/1 0 0 0
MP 40 36.8 35/95 2 3 5
Thompson 37.6 67/178 9 3 13
Grenade 50.0 2/4 0 1 0
Dynamite 0.0 0/1 0 0 0
Damage Given: 2303 Team Damage Given: 18
Damage Recvd: 1568 Team Damage Recvd: 18
Kills: 11 Team Kills: 0 Accuracy: 37.2%
Deaths: 8 Self Kills: 5 Headshots: 17.6%
Gibs: 1 Team Gibs: 0 Playtime: 81.3%
Name: |@|P4ncho Villa Team: ALLIES Round: 2
Weapon Acrcy Hits/Shts Kills Deaths Headshots
Knife 0.0 0/1 0 0 0
Ka-Bar 0.0 0/3 0 0 0
Luger 0.0 0/4 0 0 0
Colt 45.5 5/11 1 0 3
MP 40 39.6 72/182 7 2 10
Thompson 35.3 18/51 2 7 2
Grenade 100.0 5/5 2 1 0
Syringe 75.0 3/4 0 0 0
Damage Given: 2295 Team Damage Given: 41
Damage Recvd: 2149 Team Damage Recvd: 0
Kills: 12 Team Kills: 0 Accuracy: 38.3%
Deaths: 10 Self Kills: 1 Headshots: 15.8%
Gibs: 2 Team Gibs: 0 Playtime: 85.9%
Name: Team: ALLIES Round: 2
Weapon Acrcy Hits/Shts Kills Deaths Headshots
Knife 0.0 0/1 0 0 0
Luger 45.5 5/11 1 0 0
Colt 0.0 0/3 0 0 0
MP 40 36.3 45/124 3 2 4
Thompson 36.4 39/107 5 7 1
Grenade 44.4 4/9 2 0 0
Syringe 100.0 4/4 0 0 0
Damage Given: 1763 Team Damage Given: 60
Damage Recvd: 1957 Team Damage Recvd: 5
Kills: 11 Team Kills: 1 Accuracy: 36.3%
Deaths: 9 Self Kills: 5 Headshots: 5.6%
Gibs: 4 Team Gibs: 0 Playtime: 78.4%
Name: the Tyrant Team: AXIS Round: 2
Weapon Acrcy Hits/Shts Kills Deaths Headshots
Knife 0.0 0/1 0 0 0
Ka-Bar 0.0 0/3 0 0 0
Colt 33.3 9/27 0 1 0
MP 40 31.4 37/118 4 6 2
Thompson 36.0 82/228 7 4 16
Grenade 0.0 0/1 0 1 0
Damage Given: 2384 Team Damage Given: 36
Damage Recvd: 2205 Team Damage Recvd: 18
Kills: 11 Team Kills: 0 Accuracy: 34.3%
Deaths: 12 Self Kills: 4 Headshots: 14.1%
Gibs: 2 Team Gibs: 0 Playtime: 78.3%
Name: mAxPower. Team: AXIS Round: 2
Weapon Acrcy Hits/Shts Kills Deaths Headshots
Luger 25.0 1/4 0 0 0
Colt 41.2 7/17 0 0 0
MP 40 28.6 12/42 1 5 2
Thompson 28.3 47/166 6 4 8
Grenade 25.0 1/4 1 2 0
Syringe 100.0 3/3 0 0 0
Damage Given: 1490 Team Damage Given: 0
Damage Recvd: 2152 Team Damage Recvd: 18
Kills: 8 Team Kills: 0 Accuracy: 29.3%
Deaths: 11 Self Kills: 0 Headshots: 14.9%
Gibs: 3 Team Gibs: 0 Playtime: 67.2%