Map: etl_frostbite

Config: Defender: Winner: Timelimit: NextTimelimit:
legacy3 AXIS ALLIES 10:00 2:50
ID Team Player Kll Dth Gib SK TK TG Eff DG DR TDG TDR Score
5 AXIS Jercujesus 3 2 1 0 1 0 60 572 582 1 0 34
0 AXIS here to make up the numbers 2 2 0 4 0 0 50 438 617 101 0 7
3 AXIS Exprezzo. 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 207 154 0 102 0
- AXIS Totals 5 5 1 6 1 0 50 1217 1353 102 102 41
2 ALLIES team1 forty 1 1 0 3 0 0 50 523 386 0 0 30
4 ALLIES >eggplant 2 1 0 1 0 0 66 323 171 0 18 16
1 ALLIES Sn00k 2 3 2 1 0 0 40 507 660 18 0 15
- ALLIES Totals 5 5 2 5 0 0 50 1353 1217 18 18 61
- SPECTATOR Totals 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Name: here to make up the numbers Team: AXIS Round: 1
Weapon Acrcy Hits/Shts Kills Deaths Headshots
MP 40 30.5 25/82 2 0 1
Thompson 0.0 0/0 0 2 0
Grenade 0.0 0/4 0 0 0
Airstrike 0.0 0/1 0 0 0
Damage Given: 438 Team Damage Given: 101
Damage Recvd: 617 Team Damage Recvd: 0
Kills: 2 Team Kills: 0 Accuracy: 30.5%
Deaths: 2 Self Kills: 4 Headshots: 4.0%
Gibs: 0 Team Gibs: 0 Playtime: 84.0%
Name: Sn00k Team: ALLIES Round: 1
Weapon Acrcy Hits/Shts Kills Deaths Headshots
Knife 0.0 0/1 0 0 0
Ka-Bar 0.0 0/2 0 0 0
Colt 25.0 2/8 1 0 0
MP 40 0.0 0/0 0 2 0
Thompson 33.8 25/74 1 1 3
Grenade 0.0 0/1 0 0 0
Damage Given: 507 Team Damage Given: 18
Damage Recvd: 660 Team Damage Recvd: 0
Kills: 2 Team Kills: 0 Accuracy: 32.9%
Deaths: 3 Self Kills: 1 Headshots: 11.1%
Gibs: 2 Team Gibs: 0 Playtime: 64.6%
Name: team1 forty Team: ALLIES Round: 1
Weapon Acrcy Hits/Shts Kills Deaths Headshots
Colt 41.7 5/12 0 0 0
Thompson 24.1 14/58 0 1 2
Grenade 33.3 2/6 1 0 0
Dynamite 0.0 0/2 0 0 0
Damage Given: 523 Team Damage Given: 0
Damage Recvd: 386 Team Damage Recvd: 0
Kills: 1 Team Kills: 0 Accuracy: 27.1%
Deaths: 1 Self Kills: 3 Headshots: 10.5%
Gibs: 0 Team Gibs: 0 Playtime: 88.4%
Name: Exprezzo. Team: AXIS Round: 1
Weapon Acrcy Hits/Shts Kills Deaths Headshots
MP 40 45.5 15/33 0 0 0
Grenade 0.0 0/0 0 1 0
Damage Given: 207 Team Damage Given: 0
Damage Recvd: 154 Team Damage Recvd: 102
Kills: 0 Team Kills: 0 Accuracy: 45.5%
Deaths: 1 Self Kills: 2 Headshots: 0.0%
Gibs: 0 Team Gibs: 0 Playtime: 95.8%
Name: >eggplant Team: ALLIES Round: 1
Weapon Acrcy Hits/Shts Kills Deaths Headshots
MP 40 0.0 0/0 0 1 0
Thompson 51.4 19/37 2 0 1
Damage Given: 323 Team Damage Given: 0
Damage Recvd: 171 Team Damage Recvd: 18
Kills: 2 Team Kills: 0 Accuracy: 51.4%
Deaths: 1 Self Kills: 1 Headshots: 5.3%
Gibs: 0 Team Gibs: 0 Playtime: 87.0%
Name: Jercujesus Team: AXIS Round: 1
Weapon Acrcy Hits/Shts Kills Deaths Headshots
Luger 60.0 3/5 0 0 0
Colt 0.0 0/0 0 1 0
MP 40 25.5 14/55 1 0 1
Thompson 51.7 15/29 2 1 1
Grenade 50.0 1/2 0 0 0
Syringe 100.0 2/2 0 0 0
Damage Given: 572 Team Damage Given: 1
Damage Recvd: 582 Team Damage Recvd: 0
Kills: 3 Team Kills: 1 Accuracy: 36.0%
Deaths: 2 Self Kills: 0 Headshots: 6.2%
Gibs: 1 Team Gibs: 0 Playtime: 87.2%
Config: Defender: Winner: Timelimit: NextTimelimit:
legacy3 AXIS ALLIES 12:00 8:51
ID Team Player Kll Dth Gib SK TK TG Eff DG DR TDG TDR Score
1 AXIS >eggplant 24 8 8 7 0 0 75 3785 1919 18 58 111
2 AXIS team1 forty 11 8 1 6 0 0 57 1942 1941 135 36 49
5 AXIS Sn00k 6 5 1 9 0 0 54 1323 1084 76 135 36
- AXIS Totals 41 21 10 22 0 0 66 7050 4944 229 229 196
3 ALLIES here to make up the numbers 10 12 2 2 0 0 45 1935 2249 18 0 69
4 ALLIES Jercujesus 5 12 1 1 0 0 29 1514 2228 18 0 48
0 ALLIES Exprezzo. 6 17 3 1 0 0 26 1495 2573 0 36 34
- ALLIES Totals 21 41 6 4 0 0 33 4944 7050 36 36 151
- SPECTATOR Totals 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Name: Exprezzo. Team: ALLIES Round: 0
Weapon Acrcy Hits/Shts Kills Deaths Headshots
Knife 0.0 0/1 0 0 0
Ka-Bar 0.0 0/8 0 0 0
Colt 0.0 0/4 0 0 0
MP 40 50.0 10/20 1 15 1
Thompson 28.1 64/228 5 0 9
Grenade 0.0 0/0 0 2 0
Syringe 33.3 1/3 0 0 0
Damage Given: 1495 Team Damage Given: 0
Damage Recvd: 2573 Team Damage Recvd: 36
Kills: 6 Team Kills: 0 Accuracy: 29.4%
Deaths: 17 Self Kills: 1 Headshots: 13.5%
Gibs: 3 Team Gibs: 0 Playtime: 67.2%
Name: >eggplant Team: AXIS Round: 0
Weapon Acrcy Hits/Shts Kills Deaths Headshots
Knife 0.0 0/7 0 0 0
Luger 60.0 3/5 0 0 0
MP 40 40.3 140/347 21 1 28
Thompson 55.4 31/56 2 7 0
Grenade 50.0 2/4 1 0 0
Syringe 100.0 3/3 0 0 0
Damage Given: 3785 Team Damage Given: 18
Damage Recvd: 1919 Team Damage Recvd: 58
Kills: 24 Team Kills: 0 Accuracy: 42.6%
Deaths: 8 Self Kills: 7 Headshots: 16.1%
Gibs: 8 Team Gibs: 0 Playtime: 84.2%
Name: team1 forty Team: AXIS Round: 0
Weapon Acrcy Hits/Shts Kills Deaths Headshots
Knife 0.0 0/1 0 0 0
Luger 50.0 5/10 0 0 0
MP 40 36.2 81/224 11 0 16
Thompson 0.0 0/0 0 8 0
Grenade 12.5 1/8 0 0 0
Syringe 100.0 1/1 0 0 0
Damage Given: 1942 Team Damage Given: 135
Damage Recvd: 1941 Team Damage Recvd: 36
Kills: 11 Team Kills: 0 Accuracy: 36.8%
Deaths: 8 Self Kills: 6 Headshots: 18.6%
Gibs: 1 Team Gibs: 0 Playtime: 86.4%
Name: here to make up the numbers Team: ALLIES Round: 0
Weapon Acrcy Hits/Shts Kills Deaths Headshots
MP 40 0.0 0/10 0 11 0
Thompson 32.5 90/277 10 1 18
Grenade 20.0 1/5 0 0 0
Dynamite 0.0 0/1 0 0 0
Damage Given: 1935 Team Damage Given: 18
Damage Recvd: 2249 Team Damage Recvd: 0
Kills: 10 Team Kills: 0 Accuracy: 31.4%
Deaths: 12 Self Kills: 2 Headshots: 20.0%
Gibs: 2 Team Gibs: 0 Playtime: 81.4%
Name: Jercujesus Team: ALLIES Round: 0
Weapon Acrcy Hits/Shts Kills Deaths Headshots
Ka-Bar 0.0 0/4 0 0 0
MP 40 27.3 6/22 0 11 1
Thompson 33.0 58/176 5 1 14
Grenade 0.0 0/5 0 0 0
Dynamite 0.0 0/2 0 0 0
Damage Given: 1514 Team Damage Given: 18
Damage Recvd: 2228 Team Damage Recvd: 0
Kills: 5 Team Kills: 0 Accuracy: 32.3%
Deaths: 12 Self Kills: 1 Headshots: 23.4%
Gibs: 1 Team Gibs: 0 Playtime: 76.2%
Name: Sn00k Team: AXIS Round: 0
Weapon Acrcy Hits/Shts Kills Deaths Headshots
Knife 0.0 0/2 0 0 0
MP 40 39.9 61/153 5 0 2
Thompson 11.8 2/17 0 5 0
Grenade 22.2 2/9 1 0 0
Syringe 0.0 0/1 0 0 0
Damage Given: 1323 Team Damage Given: 76
Damage Recvd: 1084 Team Damage Recvd: 135
Kills: 6 Team Kills: 0 Accuracy: 37.1%
Deaths: 5 Self Kills: 9 Headshots: 3.2%
Gibs: 1 Team Gibs: 0 Playtime: 89.7%