ET: 20th Annivesary LAN - Player Interviews

h20 e-sports | Purmerend, NL | May 26th - 28th 2023

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Interview with ciah^smak


1. When did you start playing ET, and how did you get into it?

My friend Finland urkelo introduced me to ET around 06, started playing pub only. Played some finnish mixes during the following years and come 09 i started to play 6v6s more actively.

2. What's your most memorable moment so far in your ET history, and why?

Definetly 2015 ET Reborn LAN jumbofinal against Estonia It was my first lan experience. The game was played on saturday after midnight and the atmosphere was amazing. The venue was so loud that listening to comms was almost imposible but everybody was having good time. Shoutout to Finland Matias for betting on our win and buying us beers after the game!

3. What do you feel is the most important skill in terms of contributing to winning in ET?

Combination of good aim, being aware whats happening around the map

4. How does it feel to be the captain of OG and to compete in the LAN event?

Losing little bit of hair during the road to every lan event but its totally worth it!

The Team at LAN

5. What is your confirmed lineup and the roles of the players?

Finland Swanidius - obvious star player and counting alot on him, Finland Rsp - unleashing fear of riflenades, Finland Hazz - superfast engi/obj carrier, Finland Tomba - aiming power, Lettu - gamesaving panzers, Finland Smak - keeping all the cats in order

6. How did the team come together?

I was determined to come for the next lan, this time with full Finland finnish lineup. I was hearing some resistance from guys as half the team hadnt really played ET for ages and werent willing. All it took was one weekend trip to Finland Hazz's cottage and i got 4 out of 6 for the team in place. Finland Lettu wasnt with us at the time so obviously after persuading him to join, we had to go back to the cottage. We had awesome bootcamp despite the cottage being 12c at the start. Gaming went more or less under the influence, tried to keep the normal lan feel in place. Finland Swanidius was joining the team but sadly wasnt able to join the cottage saunaparties :(

7. What's your goal at LAN? Is there a finishing position you are targeting?

Aiming to beat Norway Sinche!

8. What would you say was your best performance as a team to date?

Beating Elysium in Missile in prac.

9. Who on your team is most likely to miss their flight and turn up late to LAN?

Finland Hazz

10. How do you prepare for games?


11. What has been your team's biggest challenge leading up to the LAN event, and how have you been working to overcome it?

We dont really have anyone to take igl role, nobody likes to call and the game can fall apart really easily. Swanidius has been doing most of the calling so far and we are trying to improve with that.


12. Of the teams signed up for the LAN event, what is your prediction for the final rankings?

Top 3 in no particular order: Elysiym, OG, v56 4.-5. exile / ciah 6.-8. OM, Infected, SDC

13. Who are you most looking forward to meeting at LAN and why?

Netherlands Sebhes and Norway Sinche, both were big part of my first lan experience

14. Which player do you think is the most likely to drink so much that they will not be able to play the next day?

Taking into account previous lans and drinking performances i will probably have to name myself here.. atleast if i see any Poland Polish guys

15. Are there any particular matchups you are looking forward to?

Eager to see how our games against Exile go at the venue, also the top3 candidates games against each other.

The Opposition

16. Out of the opposition players, who is the most difficult to play against, in your opinion?

Netherlands Cupra has been a real pain in our butts in the pracs, have felt some annoyance when playing against him :D

17. Which team do you think is most likely to pleasantly surprise people (dark horse pick)?

Exile figuring it out and running for

18. Which opposition player do you feel is most underrated?

Dont really have anyone in mind, i'll go with Norway Sinche

The Future

19. What does the future hold for you and the team following LAN?

Myself im taking a long break from gaming as i will be busy with work until winter. I have really enjoyed playing with friends the whole time and would like to play more but cant really play as late as the games nowadays seem to happen. As for team, a bit mixed with break from gaming or just from ET.

20. If you could make one change to the game, what would it be?

would have tried out the spawntime change to 21s/30s

21. Are there any maps outside the current eight maps at LAN you would like to see in future tournaments?

ETL versions of the maps

22. Any last words?

Huge thanks for Sebhes Sebhes and anyone participating in making the lan happen! Looking forward to it! Lets have a good experience once again!