ET: 20th Annivesary LAN - Player Interviews

h20 e-sports | Purmerend, NL | May 26th - 28th 2023

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Interview with OM jAmaTo:o)


1. When did you start playing ET, and how did you get into it?

Ohhh that was ages ago... when i was young and lovely ;-), ive been 11/10 yrs old in early 2000s, in Poland they used to sell magazines in 'kiosks' (newsstand) including games on the PC so my mom bought me one and there was ET

2. What's your most memorable moment so far in your ET history, and why?

When i realised there is 2.60b and first time seen butchji, from that moment i started to progress pretty quickly

3. What do you feel is the most important skill in terms of contributing to winning in ET?

Open Head on new things, not standard ideas, cooperation n being creative.

4. How does it feel to be the captain of OG and to compete in the LAN event?

Im pretty happy n glad to find bunch of lovely guys with which i can share this big moment (hope so not last one)

The Team at LAN

5. What is your confirmed lineup and the roles of the players?

Poland jAmaTo:o) , Europe TBA, Netherlands wArface, Netherlands tYMO, Netherlands Sheeter, Europe Astral

6. How did the team come together?

We r easy goin ppl, no drama no stress lots of laugh n good time, mostly ive been looking for 3 more players to fulfill our LU and boys just pop in to me with an 'offer' simply as that. R now we have pretty good relation which i really appreciate.

7. What's your goal at LAN? Is there a finishing position you are targeting?

2nd Place in our group and Final on Main Stage

8. What would you say was your best performance as a team to date?

So far every single game we r performing better n better.

9. Who on your team is most likely to miss their flight and turn up late to LAN?

zubl1k (alrdy happen)

10. How do you prepare for games?

a wee chat with the boys on the beginin.

11. What has been your team's biggest challenge leading up to the LAN event, and how have you been working to overcome it?

Honestly to find replacement for zubl1k as that situation slightly broke us mentally. Deny worry we will arrive stronger than before !


12. Of the teams signed up for the LAN event, what is your prediction for the final rankings?

To be honest on the paper Elysium 1st but realistically OG will win, Elysium 2nd, v56 3rd, rest will be revealed

13. Who are you most looking forward to meeting at LAN and why?

Boys from our team, mostly to match faces with their voice.

14. Which player do you think is the most likely to drink so much that they will not be able to play the next day?


15. Are there any particular matchups you are looking forward to?

I know there is some tension in the air between us n SDC. But honestly im looking forward to see exile vs ciahs

The Opposition

16. Out of the opposition players, who is the most difficult to play against, in your opinion?

Its hard to specify just one player as every freelancer have their own style of game n their moves i would say in each team there is a difficult freelancer to face.

17. Which team do you think is most likely to pleasantly surprise people (dark horse pick)?

Hope so we (Opus Magnum)

18. Which opposition player do you feel is most underrated?


The Future

19. What does the future hold for you and the team following LAN?

From my point of view n the person which iam.... I prefer to stay in the same LU after the LAN and we will see what times bring for us.

20. If you could make one change to the game, what would it be?

Ingame Ranking Matchmaking with visible amount of Online/looking for game PPL, apart from that.

21. Are there any maps outside the current eight maps at LAN you would like to see in future tournaments?

Theres lots of new/not used maps which mostly we need to introduce to other ppls. So far i really enjoyed Snatch3 (sadly on worst and only one public)