ET: 20th Annivesary LAN - Player Interviews

h20 e-sports | Purmerend, NL | May 26th - 28th 2023

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Interview with [v56] [eron]


1. When did you start playing ET, and how did you get into it?

I started playing ET in 2005 - actually because people in my family (including my dad :D) were playing this game

2. What's your most memorable moment so far in your ET history, and why?

I have a few memorable moments, which is normal if you play a game for so long I think. However the fact that I can say that I met a lot of nice people irl thanks to ET is probably the thing I like the most.

3. What do you feel is the most important skill in terms of contributing to winning in ET?

For me personally? I think the fact that the team can always count on me. I know what I can and what I cant and I know 'my place'. I'll always try my very best to make everyone feel as comfy as possible in the team and try to be more than just a teammate.

4. How does it feel to be the captain of OG and to compete in the LAN event?

I look forward to playing with these guys on LAN. With some of them I already played at lan (viko & cupra), but thats also already 11 years ago. Next to that I think its a nice team with a good atmosphere and I am looking forward to meet all of them irl.

5. Recently, you became a father. Congratulations! How has this impacted you as a person?

Thanks! Well it obviously has a huge impact but especially on the sleep pattern. I am feeling tired 24/7 at this moment, but becoming a father is by far the most beautiful moment you can experience.

The Team at LAN

6. What is your confirmed lineup and the roles of the players?

The final lu will be Netherlands L4mpje, Netherlands Cupra, Germany s1lent, Belgium ViKO, Belgium juicy and Belgium me. I always say we have 4 keyplayers and 2 people that need to make sure the keyplayers can shine. Its the task of juicy and me to do the dirty jobs.

7. How did the team come together?

The core of v56 has been playing together for quite a while now in some online cups (lamp, cupra, viko and me). With the lan being announced we had some people that werent sure if they would go or not. This caused some line-up changes & issues, but we're happy with the final 6.

8. What's your goal at LAN? Is there a finishing position you are targeting?

The goal has to be to play the final. If everything comes together a bit that weekend, I think we should be capable of doing so - however this is going to be a nice battle with a few other strong teams.

9. What would you say was your best performance as a team to date?

Hard to say as for me there is not 1 match that stands out really. I think we had a couple of nice games vs elysium but I believe the best is yet to come.

10. Who on your team is most likely to miss their flight and turn up late to LAN?

Haha cant say another name than Belgium juicy here!

11. How do you prepare for games?

We dont really prepare in a specific way. We've made our tactics and 15 mins before a game we join discord and talk some bullshit with each other. We try to get the atmosphere as good as possible and just play. I think sometimes with a little bit more seriousness we could do (way) better

12. What has been your team's biggest challenge leading up to the LAN event, and how have you been working to overcome it?

The biggest challenge was to keep everybody happy within the team; I needed all my people management skills for that


13. Of the teams signed up for the LAN event, what is your prediction for the final rankings?

1. Europe Elysium - they're the winners of last lan(s) and they've been playing together for years. Apart from that they also play the most and have great individual players 2. Belgiumv56, its going to be a huge battle with OG I think, but I hope we manage to get that spot in the final 3. Europe OG its either them or us playing the final vs elysium 4. Europe exile, they have proven to be a strong team online. Looking forward to see them playing offline as well - eventhough they will have another line-up at lan 5. Finland cat in a hat, the fins should be able to give most of the better teams a good fight. Together with exile, they will battle for 4th position 6. Europe infected, I know they have some strong individuals. I think they can have a good battle with cat in a hat and maybe even with exile. 7. Poland Opus, dont really know them personally or skill wise, so its a guess wether they will become 7th or 8th 8. Italy Italians, I only know the Italian legend mama and rezta. Dont know their current skill level, but with their experience it should be a good fight with Opus and maybe also with Infected

14. Who are you most looking forward to meeting at LAN and why?

Honestly, just my own team. We've spent much time and fun moments online, hopefully this will be the same at lan

15. Which player do you think is the most likely to drink so much that they will not be able to play the next day?

With Poland bloodje not being there, I am looking at one of the Fins. Lets say Finland smak

16. Are there any particular matchups you are looking forward to?

Looking forward to all matchups, but especially the big games versus Europe elysium and Europe OG. Thats the main reason for playing a lan event ofcourse.

The Opposition

17. Out of the opposition players, who is the most difficult to play against, in your opinion?

I have respect for each and every individual, but for me both gizmo and insane are great players - still a bit underrated sometimes! Next to that its always a pleasure to play versus Belgium chry, especially to panzer him on a full spawn h3h3

18. Which team do you think is most likely to pleasantly surprise people (dark horse pick)?

Hmm, letsgo for exile here!

19. Which opposition player do you feel is most underrated?

As I wrote before, gizmo, insane but also wut and even krepox.

The Future

20. What does the future hold for you and the team following LAN?

For me it will be my last event/cup. I will stop playing (actively) after the LAN and even sell my PC. However, I still have a laptop for that moment I really feel like playing a game or two

21. If you could make one change to the game, what would it be?

Still find it pretty weird that we're introducing new maps in 2023 to such an old game - especially for a lan event. Next to that, I preferred the old leaning mechanic ET had compared to ET Legacy.

22. Are there any maps outside the current eight maps at LAN you would like to see in future tournaments?

Not really, I would rather ban a map or two out of the current maplist. Sounds boring to play gold/supply 24/7 but hey, most of us are here for 10+ years having played that map 1000+ times. In the end thats also where ET stands for.

23. Any last words?

No more time for any last words, I have to pick up my dad role again ;)