ET: 20th Annivesary LAN - Player Interviews

h20 e-sports | Purmerend, NL | May 26th - 28th 2023

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Interview with Elysium ~ Sebhes


1. When did you start playing ET, and how did you get into it?

Oh boy, I believe I started playing Wolfenstein Enemy Territory (ET) in 2004. Prior to that, I used to play Habbo Hotel with my cousins. However, one day they introduced me to ET and it was love at first sight. One of my most vivid and first memories of the game dates back to when I played the map railgun. Back then, the game's modern art amazed me. And in fact, it still does till this day. I began my ET journey on a public server, where I founded and led the clan Pc| on the Gamesmajor servers. My primary objective was to dominate the server by recruiting as many members as possible. The power I gained went frankly to my head, and I believed I had control over who stayed and who was kicked. It was during these initial years that I learned a great deal about myself and underwent personal development. Looking back, I realize I used to engage in a lot of trash-talking, oblivious to how much of a nobody I was at that time. Nearly 20 years later, I'm still actively involved, seeking to relish the same enjoyment I experienced during my initial years of playing.

2. What's your most memorable moment so far in your ET history, and why?

That has to be our first LAN victory in Krefeld against TMT in 2017. By that point, I had been playing ET for 13 years. As a naturally competitive person, striving to be the best at what I do is an inherent part of my character. It was during the Grand Finals in 2017 when everything came together in an incredible moment. In our very last map, we found ourselves with our backs against the wall, on Adlernest. A seemingly impossible challenge awaited us—an astonishing three-minute time on Adlernest stood between us and the title of being the best in the game. Against all odds, we achieved the impossible by surpassing that three-minute time. To make the moment even more extraordinary, the match was being shoutcasted by none other than TosspoT. To this day, that moment remains the happiest I have ever experienced in my life. The sheer adrenaline I felt upon realizing we had become world champions is indescribable.

3. What do you feel is the most important skill in terms of contributing to winning in ET?

The determination to adapt, improve, and overcome is most important. Undoubtedly, teamplay, aim, and gamesense are crucial and unquestionably necessary to excel as a player in ET. However, to rise above and become the best, possessing these qualities alone is not enough. Dedication, willpower, and focus are essential in setting oneself apart from others. I must say that these qualities have served as significant factors contributing to our success throughout the years.

4. How does it feel to be the captain of Netherlands Elysium and to compete in the LAN event?

I am deeply humbled and honored to serve as the captain of my team. Being able to surround myself with friends whom I have been playing with for over 8 years feels like living in a continuous dream. Since the formation of our team in 2015, we have always aimed high and strived to be the best in the game. Our past successes in 2017 and 2019 are testaments to our dedication. As we approach the 2023 championship, we find ourselves in a different landscape. After a period of retirement, we have returned to discover that many players have made significant improvements over time. Additionally, we now have less spare time compared to previous editions. Despite these challenges, I am immensely grateful to my teammates for their sacrifices, dedicating so much of their lives to our practices and discussions. Regardless of the outcome at the championship, I will forever be proud of experiencing this adventure with them, as a team and as a family. It has given my life a profound sense of purpose.

The Team at LAN

5. What is your confirmed lineup and the roles of the players?

Our line up consists of the following players: Netherlands GiZmOoO: Last man standing and player with the highest playtime % from the entire ET community. Reviving medic in many positions and does his role like none other. Netherlands Jay: The one with a different playstyle to others, which fits in perfectly for us rambos. Having a different perspective every now and then is really helpful to us as a team. Belgium Jere: Our one and only rifle man. He will be leading us with his great riflestick. The best in game friend of outlAw Netherlands iNsAne: The player who is able to multiclass, create openings and overall a very all round player Netherlands outlAw: The beast himself Sebhes: The engineer of the team, does all the dirty laundry

6. How did the team come together?

After experiencing defeat in the LAN editions of 2015, we made a collective decision to join forces and form a team comprising skilled players who shared a common language. I distinctly remember reaching out to iNsAne to discuss the concept of establishing a new team. What makes our journey truly unique is that the original lineup from 2015 remains intact even after 8 years. From the very beginning, we demonstrated strength and resilience, which has been a constant theme throughout our journey up until this very day.

7. What's your goal at LAN? Is there a finishing position you are targeting?

Our ultimate objective is to secure our third consecutive LAN title, and anything short of that would be considered a disappointment. We hold confidence in our abilities and firmly believe that we possess all the necessary qualities to emerge victorious. We eagerly anticipate the opportunity to showcase our talent at the event. The anticipation has been building over a long journey, and now the time has finally arrived.

8. What would you say was your best performance as a team to date?

Winning our first World Championship in 2017 undoubtedly stands as our greatest performance to date. I am still filled with extreme pride when reflecting on our first title, especially considering the tremendous final against none other than United Kingdom R0SS and his team. To this day, that moment remains the absolute pinnacle of happiness in my life. The realization that we would be crowned the best in the world at something is truly indescribable. I continue to be incredibly proud of all my players, and the anticipation of potentially securing our third consecutive title fills me with excitement. As the first team to achieve such a feat, we are carefully building on prolonging our ET Legacy.

9. Who on your team is most likely to miss their flight and turn up late to LAN?

I am grateful that my team has never let me down. The support and trust we have in each other are crucial factors contributing to our success. We stand united, always ready to rely on one another with confidence. This unbreakable bond is what sets us apart and enables us to overcome even the most challenging moments. We remain steadfast in our belief in our collective strengths, even during the darkest times. Together, we will always overcome.

10. How do you prepare for games?

Typically, our preparation begins the day before a game. We gather as a team to engage in talk-active discussions, evaluating our previous performances and identifying areas for improvement. This reflective process continues even after the game, as we remain committed to conducting post-game discussions on team speak. I believe this practice is one of the reasons that sets us apart from other teams. Additionally, ensuring a proper warm-up leading up to a match is crucial, and it comes as no surprise. We understand the importance of preparing ourselves physically and mentally before stepping into the competitive arena. Adequate warm-up sessions are integral to our routine, allowing us to be in optimal condition when the game begins. I think our biggest pitfall is our lack of focus and it has shown. If we are all fully committed, no team is able to stop us from achieving and fulfilling our dream.

11. What has been your team's biggest challenge leading up to the LAN event, and how have you been working to overcome it?

One of the major challenges we have faced leading up to the LAN event is maintaining our focus. Since our return, I have noticed a slight decline in our level of concentration during games. This can be attributed to the fact that we are getting older and have taken on more responsibilities in our lives. However, we are actively working on overcoming this challenge by maintaining open and honest communication within the team. We have made it a priority to stay connected with each other and have created an environment where we feel comfortable providing constructive feedback. While we haven't completely resolved this issue, I am confident that during the LAN event, we will be able to perform at our best. The competitive atmosphere and the magnitude of the event will naturally elevate our focus and drive us to deliver outstanding performances.


12. Of the teams signed up for the LAN event, what is your prediction for the final rankings?

Here are my predictions for the upcoming LAN event: Europe Elysium: They have consistently proven themselves as a top team and their experience and skill make them strong contenders for the title. Europe OG: With their seasoned players and extensive LAN experience, OG is definitely a team to watch out for. They have the potential to make a strong run in the tournament. Belgium v56: Despite not having the biggest names on their roster, v56 has demonstrated exceptional teamwork and coordination. Their ability to maximize their potential and their impressive spamming tactics make them a formidable opponent. Europe Exile: This team has shown remarkable progress over the years. They have defied expectations and continue to surprise the scene with their strong performances. Consider them as the dark horse of the LAN event. Finland Cat in a hat: Led by a captain I greatly admire, Smak, this team has displayed remarkable growth and impressive teamwork. They have the potential to pull off surprises and compete strongly against their opponents. Europe infeCted: Comprised of capable players, infeCted is likely to be the best of the rest. Their goal should be to aim for victories against either Cat in a hat or Exile. Poland Opus Magnum: Qualifying for LAN is an achievement in itself for this team. As I haven't seen them play in person, I'm curious to see how they will perform on the LAN stage. Italy SDC: As my favorite Italian team, I'm glad to see them participating in the LAN event. While their focus may be more on their off-match performances, they still have the potential to surprise opponents in the tournament.

13. Who are you most looking forward to meeting at LAN and why?

That's an exciting aspect of the LAN event - getting to meet and interact with the captains and players you've been in close contact with. Finland Smak, Portugal hAFER, Poland jAmaTo:o), Italy HeDo, Poland sonNy, Belgium mAus and Belgium eron are some names that I am really eager to meet. I am forever thankful for their efforts during the last half year in creating a team. Meeting new faces and observing how people behave in real life can also be an interesting experience, as it adds a different dimension to the relationships built online.

14. Which player do you think is the most likely to drink so much that they will not be able to play the next day?

Belgium chry, talking about going out on Friday for weeks now. Trying to distract us and sabotage our focus, but it will not work, mate! We are fully determined and committed to our goal, and nothing will sway us from it. We have a strong bond as a team, and we will stay focused and dedicated to our preparations. Anyway, let us see if Belgium chry will show up to LAN to begin with.

15. Are there any particular matchups you are looking forward to?

Yes, I am greatly anticipating the matches between Europe OG and Belgium v56, as well as Europe exile and Finland Cat in a hat. These are matchups between teams of similar skill levels, and I believe they will be intense and closely contested. If I have the opportunity, I will definitely watch these matches attentively and take notes that we can use to our advantage in future games.

The Opposition

16. Out of the opposition players, who is the most difficult to play against, in your opinion?

That's probably either Finland toNi or Netherlands Cupra. I played before together with Netherlands Cupra in the Nationsleague and I got to experience how much of a versatile player he is. Incredible knowledge and understanding of the game and a player that is able to significantly contribute to the improvement of an entire team as a captain. Both Netherlands Cupra and Finland toNi are players who have the ability to make a significant impact for their team. Their rifle shots are well-timed and often catch opponents off guard. With their explosive playstyle, they can take advantage of opportunities and secure areas that others may struggle with. Both Finland toNi and Netherlands Cupra possess the strength to create openings for their team. I am eagerly anticipating their rifle trickshots at the LAN event.

17. Which team do you think is most likely to pleasantly surprise people (dark horse pick)?

I have a strong support for exile. They have shown exceptional performance despite facing limitations and challenges. Their humble and friendly nature makes them a team worth rooting for. If they were to become the new world champions, it would be well-deserved and a testament to their dedication and skills.

18. Which opposition player do you feel is most underrated?

I think Netherlands outlAw is. Especially in his newfound role, he is contributing much more to the team than before. I might consider him the most all-around player, as he has good knowledge about what is happening and is able to communicate that to in-game comms as well. He is a player to keep an eye on and should not be underestimated.

The Future

19. What does the future hold for you and the team following LAN?

It has been an incredible and challenging journey, and I can't help but feel emotional when it all comes to an end. Organizing this LAN has been a dream of mine since 2017, and I am grateful to Netherlands Helldembez, the captains, and all the contributors who made it possible. This LAN has been more demanding than previous editions, primarily because I am now working full time, leaving me with limited spare time. I have made significant sacrifices for the game, and while I have no regrets, I recognize the need to rest and prioritize my health once this is over. I have a deep love for the game, and it's truly amazing that we can come together to celebrate 20 years of ET with this event. As a team, we may likely retire after this LAN, but that doesn't mean it's the end. The future remains uncertain, but I am confident that I will return in whatever capacity the game needs me. This time around, I have been more involved than ever since 2017, and even more so than in 2019 when I took a more laid-back approach. Personally, my focus after the LAN will shift to my business career. I aspire to create my own mathematical brand and explore where it takes me.

20. If you could make one change to the game, what would it be?

I would provide a financial boost to players that would help the game grow. Introducing an anti-cheat system and making adjustments to maps are also important steps. For me, ET remains the best game to date.

21. Are there any maps outside the current eight maps at LAN you would like to see in future tournaments?

I have always loved reactor_final as a map. The concept is unique and the first stage is incredible. However, I believe the second stage could benefit from some improvements. I would be thrilled to see it included in the competitive map rotation in the future.

22. Any last words?

Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory.